Vaccine Passports

As things continue to change around us, the health and safety of all our members and friends remain a top priority at Beth Torah. With that in mind, we are implementing a new policy for all onsite gatherings.

Beginning Tuesday, September 28th, as part of our ongoing screening process, anyone attending services, meetings and events onsite at Beth Torah must show Proof of Vaccination. This includes services conducted both indoors and outdoors.

‘Proof of Vaccination’ refers to a document confirming receipt of two doses of a Health-Canada approved vaccine against COVID-19 – dated at least 14 days before entry.

Please take a look at our Vaccine Passport FAQ below to understand the new policy and how it impacts your next visit.

Vaccine Passport FAQ

Who needs to provide proof of vaccination?
Everyone 5 and older will need a vaccine receipt or ‘passport’ for entry into the Beth Torah building for all services, meetings and events.
Are there exemptions?
Yes, anyone under 5 is exempt.  Anyone with a doctor’s note stating they have a medical exception is exempt.  For those medically exempt: please bring the doctor’s note (unless it is already in your receipt).
What do I need to provide as proof of vaccination?
Guests who are 5 and older must provide copies of their vaccination receipts. Other methods to show proof of vaccination would be accepted.
How do I get my vaccine receipt (or ‘passport’)?
As of now, if you need a copy of your vaccination receipt, go to the provincial vaccine booking portal or the vaccine booking hotline at 1-833-943-3900. Public libraries are also helping to print out copies if you do not have access to a printer.
Will members and guests still be required to wear masks indoors?
Yes, masks will continue to be mandatory in the building.

Will children under 5 be allowed into the sanctuary during Shabbat and Holiday services?
Children under 5 cannot attend services in the sanctuary at this time. 
New activities for children on Shabbat and holidays will be introduced shortly.

More questions?
Feel free to reach out to [email protected] to learn more. 

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work together to keep our congregation safe.

Visit Us

47 Glenbrook Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M6B 2L7

(416) 782-4495

[email protected]

Office hours
Monday – Thursday | 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday | 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m. – Library


Welcome to our warm and inclusive community!

Beth Torah Congregation is a bastion of traditional contemporary Judaism and aspires to inspire meaningful Jewish living as it intersects modern life.