Tot Tu B’shevat Kabbalat Shabbat

Join us Thursday afternoon, February 13th from 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm for our first Tot Kabbalat Shabbat. Come with your children, ages 0-5, for song, crafts, and a lite […]

Intergenerational Shabbat

Our second intergenerational Shabbat is on March 1st. A Shabbat experience for every generation - celebrating ALL ages! To make a donation and honour a loved ones birthday in March, call […]

Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of each Jewish month, is designated to and is the domain of Women.  Women are the Mistresses of the Moon, the changing of the seasons, the […]

Torah & Tangents

Join Rav Jen on Wednesday's from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. for torah tangents. Examine the p'shat of the parasha and let it take you on an informative journey. The […]

Made in Canada Purim

Join us on Erev Purim, Thursday, March 13 at 7:45 p.m. for the Purim service and Megillah reading, followed by hamantaschen and refreshments. Come dressed in Canadian spirit! Wear a […]


Looking for something to do with your toddler this Spring? Calling parents and grandparents!  PJ Plus is an 8-10 week program where children aged 1.5 through 3 years and their parents […]

Golf Tournament

Join us at the Lebovic Golf Course on June 5th, 2025 for our inaugural golf tournament! Your ticket includes: - Breakfast - A light lunch - Snacks and refreshments - A […]