Broadway Shabbat
Saturday, May 25 | 9:30 a.m. – At Beth Torah
Beth Torah and the Song Shul are coming together for a one-of-a-kind musical and memorable Shabbat service!
Featuring Rabbi Louis Sachs, World-renowned Cantor Simon Spiro, The Toronto Festival Singers, Aliza Spiro and Cantor Steve Zeidenberg
This is an event you don’t want to miss!
Davening Schedule:
9:30 a.m: Psukei D’Zimrah/Shacharit, led by Cantor Steve Zeidenberg
10:00 a.m: Torah Service, led by Cantor Simon Spiro and the Toronto Festival Singers
10:45 a.m: Choral Misheberach for the State of Israel
11:00 a.m: Musaf, featuring iconic Broadway melodies with stunning a cappella arrangements for you to sing along, led by Cantor Simon Spiro and the TFS
11:25 p.m: Stacatto Sermonette – Aliza Spiro
11:45 p.m: Buffet Kiddush Luncheon